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3004 Yale Street, Suite 500, Houston TX

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Dental Surgery

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that involves adding new bone tissue to the jawbone to improve its strength and density. This technique is commonly used in dentistry to treat a variety of dental issues, such as periodontal disease, tooth loss, and jawbone atrophy. Here are some reasons and benefits of using bone grafting when receiving dental services.

Tooth Replacement

Bone grafting is a common procedure used to support dental implants. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone underneath can begin to shrink, making it difficult to replace the tooth with a dental implant. By adding new bone tissue to the jaw, bone grafting provides a solid foundation for the implant to anchor in place.


Periodontal Disease 

Advanced periodontal disease can cause significant damage to the jawbone, resulting in bone loss and tooth loss. Bone grafting can help to restore the jawbone’s shape and density, reducing the risk of further damage and tooth loss.


Jawbone Atrophy

Jawbone atrophy is a common problem for people who have been missing teeth for a long time. The jawbone begins to shrink, which can cause the face to sag and make it difficult to eat or speak. Bone grafting can help to restore the shape and density of the jawbone, improving the patient’s quality of life.


Improve Appearance

Bone grafting can also be used to improve the appearance of the smile. By restoring the jawbone’s shape and density, bone grafting can support a dental bridge or other prosthetic device, improving the patient’s appearance and confidence.


Improve Chewing

Tooth loss or bone loss can make it difficult to chew or bite food properly. By restoring the jawbone’s strength and density, bone grafting can help patients to chew more effectively and improve their overall dietary habits.


Improve Health

Bone grafting can improve overall oral health by reducing the risk of tooth loss and gum disease. By restoring the jawbone’s strength and density, bone grafting can provide a solid foundation for dental implants or other restorative devices, reducing the risk of further damage to the teeth and gums.


Safe & Effective

Bone grafting is a safe and effective procedure that has been used in dentistry for many years. The bone used in the graft is typically taken from another part of the patient’s body, such as the hip or shinbone, or it may be sourced from a donor or synthetic material.


Promote Healing

Bone grafting is typically an outpatient procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. The healing time for bone grafting is relatively short, and most patients can return to normal activities within a few days.


Ask the Dentist

Bone grafting is a safe and effective procedure that offers many benefits to patients who are experiencing tooth loss, jawbone atrophy, or other dental issues. By restoring the jawbone’s strength and density, bone grafting can improve oral health, aesthetic appearance, and overall quality of life. If you are experiencing tooth loss or other dental issues, schedule a consultation to ask your dentist about bone grafting and whether it may be right for you.